New project proposals in 2023
The EWA is involved in the following new ERASMUS+ project as a project partner:
• Education and Training in Automation Technology for Ethiopian Industry (ETATEI)
Project period: Nov 2023 – Nov 2026
Grant: 719,000 EUR
Project coordinator: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria).
The EWA is involved in the following new ERASMUS+ project as an associated partner:
• Joint Master project " Sustainable and Resilient Pavement Engineering". Project coordinator is the University of Antwerp.
More information about the projects and links to the websites will come soon.
Education & Training for Automation 4.0 in Thailand (ETAT)
ERASMUS+ project in the program “Capacity Building in Higher Education, 2020 - 2023
The EWA is involved as a project partner in the ETAT project and is responsible for the Work Package 10 “Dissemination” and supports the project coordinator in the management of the project.
The ETAT project focuses on strengthening technical qualifications at universities in Thailand in the field of Industry 4.0, industrial automation and smart production, with the aim of improving graduate employability and lifelong learning (LLL) by introducing European educational standards using practical examples. To achieve this, seven European partners are working together with six universities from Thailand and the Eastern Economic Corridor – Human Resource Development Centre (EEC-HDC) in different subprojects.
Six of the seven EU partners are EduNet or EWA members.

One of the most outcome is the establishment of 6 certified ETAT Training Centers at partner universities in Thailand, which will be equipped with 24 special training places (respectively 4 ETAT Smart Labs per university; technology by Phoenix Contact).
Project coordinator: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria – EduNet member)
More information about the project you can find on the project website:
Here you can find a Industry 4.0 Glossary English - Thai
On March 22, 2023, our member Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences held the following workshop for the ETAT General Meeting in Gijon:
German Experience on Education for Industry 4.0
The workshop presentation can be downloaded here.